Hi, I'm Alex

I'm an intrinsically motivated full-stack product designer and creative strategist. I thrive when I can wear multiple hats and connect design with business strategy. I believe that the best products create an emotional connection between companies and customers.

I've helped companies launch new products, enter new markets, secure funding, and acquire customers.

I'm an intrinsically motivated full-stack product designer and creative strategist. I thrive when I can wear multiple hats and connect design with business strategy. I believe that the best products create an emotional connection between companies and customers.

I've helped companies launch new products, enter new markets, secure funding, and acquire customers.

I'm an intrinsically motivated full-stack product designer and creative strategist. I thrive when I can wear multiple hats and connect design with business strategy. I believe that the best products create an emotional connection between companies and customers.

I've helped companies launch new products, enter new markets, secure funding, and acquire customers.


Looking For

Full Time Product Design Roles

Full Time Product Design Roles



Freelancing for start-ups

Freelancing for start-ups


Lead Product Designer at LineLeap

Lead Product Designer at LineLeap



Writing music for fun

Writing music for fun

My Most Relevant Work for Shake Shack

I believe that the following two projects best reflect the experiences you're looking for in a UX Designer.

My Most Relevant Work for Shake Shack

I believe that the following two projects best reflect the experiences you're looking for in a UX Designer.

Other Selected Work

This work showcases my experience as a product designer, but may be less relevant to the hospitality industry. This will open in a new page, directing you to my main portfolio site.

Other Selected Work

This work showcases my experience as a product designer, but may be less relevant to the hospitality industry. This will open in a new page, directing you to my main portfolio site.