
Responsive, utilitarian web tool to save LineLeap's Engineering and Customer Service teams time and effort.




UX Design

UI Design

UX Research

Tool Stack

Good Ol' Pen & Paper



Google Meet

Bootstrap v5


Jun 2022 - Jul 2022

(4 weeks)


Product Designer (Me)


Customer Service

Team Lead


LineLeap is a nightlife-tech startup with a mission to be the all-in-one customer & business facing nightlife platform. 

This project was for our customer service team. I was hired as LineLeap’s first designer while they were going through the Y-Combinator start-up incubator. During my almost 4 year tenure, I became the Lead Product designer and oversaw all design at the company, including this project.  

Design Challenge

LineLeap’s customer service team was performing complex maneuvers to complete simple requests

Digging Directly into the Database

In order to refund customer orders, change emails, and fulfill other basic customer service requests, the customer service team had to interface directly with LineLeap's database — risky!

Getting Help from Developers

In order to perform seemingly simple tasks like resetting a customer's password, LineLeap's customer service team had to ask a developer for help, pulling them away from higher priority tasks.

Example: Original Refund Process


I independently designed a simple tool to make common tasks more efficient for LineLeap's customer service & dev teams.

UserTools allowed the customer service team to process refunds, reset passwords, delete accounts, and check orders without having to contact developers or interface with the database. 

New Refund Process with UserTools


UserTools increased security and saved time & effort for both the customer service team and the engineering team.

75+ Customer Service & Engineering Hours Saved

In the 6 months since launch, UserTools has saved the customer service team and engineering team over 75 hours by making formerly complex, multi-step tasks simple.

More Database Security

The customer service team started using UserTools to fulfill customer tasks instead of interfacing directly with the LineLeap database.

Design Process

My chats with developers and interviews with customer service team members revealed that simple tasks were...

Design Process

My chats with developers and interviews with customer service team members revealed that simple tasks were...

Design Process

My chats with developers and interviews with customer service team members revealed that simple tasks were...


If I were to do anything differently, I would have incorporated one more round of user feedback before...


If I were to do anything differently, I would have incorporated one more round of user feedback before...


If I were to do anything differently, I would have incorporated one more round of user feedback before...