LineLeap Mobile Drink Ordering

Ongoing effort to introduce a new business vertical at LineLeap by designing a smoother drink ordering process for bar patrons.




UX Design

UI Design


User Research

Tool Stack

Good Ol' Pen & Paper

Google Meet





Jun 2020 - Present



Lead Product Designer (Me)

Product Designer (Coworker)

One LineLeap Founder

Mobile Developer


LineLeap is a nightlife-tech startup with a mission to be the all-in-one customer & business facing nightlife platform. 

I was hired as LineLeap’s first designer while they were going through the Y-Combinator start-up incubator. During my almost 4 year tenure, I became the Lead Product designer and oversaw all design at the company, including this project. 

Design Challenge

Long waits, shouting orders, and getting the bartender’s attention make drink ordering at crowded bars an anxiety-filled hassle. 

Extensive user research revealed significant issues in the traditional drink ordering process for both customers and bartenders. Waiting at the bar is boring and time-intensive. Shouting your order in a loud bar leaves room for misinterpretation. Getting the bartender’s attention takes performing a nebulous combination of common, but unspoken behaviors like intense eye contact, body language, positive vibes, pushing through other people, reading serving patterns, and more. 

Design Goals

My team and I set out to make drink ordering a delightfully smooth process compared to the traditional way of ordering.

Business Goals

Mobile drink ordering presented an opportunity to expand into a business vertical with billions of dollars of potential.


I designed a mobile drink ordering experience centered around delightful interactions and intuitive steps

Mobile drink ordering is an ongoing project involving much of LineLeap’s team. During my time at LineLeap, I spearheaded the design and user research for the mobile app feature, and the design of marketing materials centered around drink ordering.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to swipe between.


LineLeap mobile drink ordering resulted in faster, easier orders for customers and smoother, more efficient fulfillment for bartenders. 

150K Drinks Sold

Since launch, bar patrons have purchased 150,000 drinks through the LineLeap app.

3x Faster Bar Operation

LineLeap’s simple 2-tap process for bartenders eliminates the need for them to interact with a POS – often sticky from drinks, slow-loading, and glitchy, making individual transactions 3x faster for bartenders. They also save up to 1.5 hours at the end of the night, as LineLeap drink ordering eliminates the need for them to count receipts and distribute tips. 

2/3 Customers Preferred LineLeap Mobile Ordering

2/3 Customers Preferred LineLeap Mobile Ordering

In a survey of LineLeap customers who tried drink ordering for the first time, 67% reported that getting a drink on lineleap was better than ordering with a credit card or cash. 

New Business Vertical

Mobile drink ordering allowed LineLeap to begin operating in an entirely new market with billions of dollars of potential. At the moment, drink ordering has been implemented as a beta at 2 of LineLeap’s 400 partner bars (0.05%) and already accounts for 5% of LineLeap’s business. 

Design Process

MVP testing our business hunch at two of LineLeap’s partner venues showed inklings of demand, but revealed that...

Design Process

MVP testing our business hunch at two of LineLeap’s partner venues showed inklings of demand, but revealed that...

Design Process

MVP testing our business hunch at two of LineLeap’s partner venues showed inklings of demand, but revealed that...


First iterations of products are rarely successful. Mobile drink ordering will go through many more iterations to reach...


First iterations of products are rarely successful. Mobile drink ordering will go through many more iterations to reach...


First iterations of products are rarely successful. Mobile drink ordering will go through many more iterations to reach...