Event Management Platform

Self-service web app designed for event organizers to create, manage, and sell tickets to concerts, festivals, and more.




UX Design

UI Design

Product Management

Tool Stack

Good ol' Pen & Paper


Material UI


Oct 2022- Dec 2022

(3 months)


Product Designer (Me)



LineLeap is a nightlife-tech startup with a mission to be the all-in-one customer & business facing nightlife platform. 

I was hired as LineLeap’s first designer while they were going through the Y-Combinator start-up incubator. During my almost 4 year tenure, I became the Lead Product designer and oversaw all design at the company, including this project.  

Before & After

I redesigned LineLeap's event management platform from the ground up.

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Design Challenge

Event organizers weren’t using LineLeap’s event ticketing software. They were texting our CMO or using other companies' platforms instead. 

Desktop First

Event organizers are often on-the-go, managing their events on the ground or meeting with partners off-site. In other words, they're managing their events more often from their phones than their computers. LineLeap's solution, optimized for desktop, didn't support this need.

Confusing UX, Janky UI

Creating an event in the first iteration of LineLeap's event management dashboard took users along a disjointed journey through multiple buggy screens that lacked basic elements (e.g. hover states on buttons). Like any first iteration, it was far from perfect.

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Business Goal

Our business goal was to increase event organizers’ self-service use of LineLeap’s ticketing platform. 

I set out to redesign the event management platform with the goal of making it more accessible to event organizers. My goal was to turn an intimidating and confusing experience into an approachable and straightforward one. 


I redesigned the event management platform with a focus on a mobile-first experience and step-by-step event creation.  

User research revealed that most event organizers and venue owners manage their work on the go. They’re on the floor of the venue, not sitting on a desktop in a back office, so the web-app had to work seamlessly on mobile.

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New Event Management Process


The redesigned platform set a new foundation for LineLeap’s business-facing products & will allow LineLeap to acquire new clients.

100+ Projected New Clients

When the site launches, the redesigned event management platform will allow LineLeap to acquire a projected 100+ new clients according to LineLeap’s CFO, and will expand the company’s footprint with existing clients. 

A New Foundation

Like the original event ticketing platform, the rest of LineLeap’s business-facing tools are not great. With the redesigned ticketing platform, our team set a new standard for design and development; the design language and codebase of the redesigned ticketing site will be expanded in the coming months to encompass a redesign of LineLeap’s entire suite of business-facing products. 

Design Process

LineLeap’s founders and I were each spending 10+ hours manually managing each event...


Simple pages posed the biggest challenges...