RePicture Accelerator Page

Web page & registration redesign to increase cold-lead conversions for RePicture's professional development course.




UX Design

UI Design

Product Strategy

Tool Stack

Good Ol' Pen & Paper




March 2023 - April 2023

(2 months)


Product Designer (Me)

RePicture Founder

RePicture Developer


RePicture is an online STEM community with a mission to increase diversity and interest in STEM through career development.

This project was for their online summer accelerator course, a STEM-focused professional development bootcamp. RePicture is focused on helping underserved high school and college students launch their STEM careers through professional development programs and a unique online profile page.

Before & After
Before & After

I redesigned RePicture's Accelerator Page from the ground up.

The page was designed to inform high school and college STEM students about RePicture's online professional development summer course, and to convince them to sign up.

Design Challenge
Design Challenge

Despite digital advertising efforts, RePicture’s Summer Accelerator Program wasn’t getting cold sign-ups. Warm leads, though more effective, required significant effort.

No Conversions

Although digital advertising led thousands of curious students to RePicture’s STEM Career Accelerator web page, none of them signed up for the course. The page wasn’t converting, so RePicture relied on high-effort warm leads, reaching out to previous program participants, educators, and companies hoping they would encourage new students and young professionals to sign up. 

Project Goal
Project Goal

Having successfully redesigned RePicture’s home page & profile, I was asked to return to help increase the number of cold sign-ups for their Summer Accelerator program.

As a Human Computer Interaction Masters student, I worked on RePicture’s home page and professional networking platform. You can read more about that project in my RePicture Platform Redesign Case Study RePicture hired me again post-grad for this project.


I independently redesigned the Accelerator page,  focusing on clearly communicating the value of the program, and the program Registration form, focusing on a guided, step-by-step experience.


The redesign resulted in the first ever cold sign-ups for RePicture’s Accelerator program since the program launched in 2020. 

First Ever Cold Sign-Ups (With No Advertising)

The redesigned Accelerator page generated the first ever cold sign-ups in RePicture’s history (directly from Google searches and word-of-mouth) — without RePicture doing any advertising whatsoever.

20+ Warm Sign-ups from Large Organizations

The redesigned page communicated the value of the Accelerator Program more clearly, resulting in quicker conversions from warm leads. 

The redesigned page communicated the value of the Accelerator Program more clearly, resulting in quicker conversions from warm leads for the 2023 program. 14 universities across the country, and a handful of large STEM companies agreed to enroll 3 - 5 students and interns each into the program after viewing the new Accelerator page.

The redesigned page communicated the value of the Accelerator Program more clearly, resulting in quicker conversions from warm leads for the 2023 program. 14 universities across the country, and a handful of large STEM companies agreed to enroll 3 - 5 students and interns each into the program after viewing the new Accelerator page.

Design Process

RePicture decided to experiment with digital advertising for their 2022 program, expecting to boost sign-ups. However...

Design Process

RePicture decided to experiment with digital advertising for their 2022 program...

Design Process

RePicture decided to experiment with digital advertising for their 2022 program...


My biggest challenge was delivering a thoughtful design on a tight timeline and budget. The solution? Time-boxing...


My biggest challenge was delivering a thoughtful design on a tight timeline and...


My biggest challenge was delivering a thoughtful design on a tight timeline and...